Derek Lundgren Bittar
Building Value Together
1 min readNov 25, 2017


Hi Adrian Fagerland!

Thanks for reaching out! I really appreciate it.

You just reminded me of my first attempt to become an entrepreneur. I was 16. I was a good student, but I had that entrepreneurial drive that would not silence. Back in the days, suggesting I wanted to become an entrepreneur also meant spoiling the great educational opportunities my parents gave me. Today, I’m glad to know that mentality has shifted and educational institutions are more welcoming to entrepreneurship. However, it is still very difficult to succeed as a teenager entrepreneur.

I am on the mission to help entrepreneurs thrive in adverse conditions. Therefore, I decided to start writing and I launched Building Value Together.

I would love to support young entrepreneurs and I am thankful for you reaching out. Please do share your story. I look forward to publishing it and to helping you reach a broader audience.

I added you as a writer, so you may submit your story at your own time.

Best Regards,
Derek L. Bittar



co-founder @indicatorcap | Kauffman Fellow | Road Cyclist | On the mission to help entrepreneurs thrive in emerging startup ecosystems